
chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4


HM89, LCR1, LAP3, HSY3RR, NPYRL, WHIM, NPYY3R, NPY3R, FB22, CD184, NPYR, fusin, D2S201E, LESTR [provided by Ensembl, GRCh37]


chr2:136,871,919-136,875,735 (reverse strand)


This gene encodes a CXC chemokine receptor specific for stromal cell-derived factor-1. The protein has 7 transmembrane regions and is located on the cell surface. It acts with the CD4 protein to support HIV entry into cells and is also highly expressed in breast cancer cells. Mutations in this gene have been associated with WHIM (warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis) syndrome. Alternate transcriptional splice variants, encoding different isoforms, have been characterized. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]


Protein coding

Ensembl gene ID


NCBI gene ID


Sex specific expression

Bulk RNA-seq

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Differential expression

Differential gene expression across cell types as calculated by the DESeq package (version 1.6.3). Cells are sorted based on median gene expression from highest to lowest. Squares in the upper diagonal matrix indicate results from pair-wise comparisons of two cell types on the x- and y-axis. Changing the tab on top will switch from log2 fold change to P values, and mousing over the squares will display those values. Adjusting the threshold slider will change the color of the square to indicate if it is above or below the threshold.

P value threshold

Log2 fold change threshold

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Discovery of genetic variants directly associated with the gene expression level (SNP located within +/- 1 Mb of the TSS); 'expression quantitative trait loci' (eQTL). Hover over the table headers for a description of several of the fields.

SNP ID Cell type Position (chr2) Padj(eQTL) Effect size GWAS pieQTL
SNP Cluster Position (chr2) Padj(eQTL) Effect size
SNP Disease or trait Padj(gwas)
SNP Distance(bp) from TSS Cell type Padj(eQTL)
Reference Title of article Pubmed ID

UCSC Genome Browser

RNA expression levels (in reads per million) averaged across samples are shown for each cell type, along with the Gencode annotations. Controls allow you to zoom in/out, move to a different region of the genome, change scales, or add/remove tracks. Future versions will also display SNPs/eQTLs as separate tracks.

Gene networks

Click on 'Explore gene networks' link to open up gene networks page.